Christina’s Story
 picture of Christina

Her life was in a total mess when she went to see Mel Gibson’s film The Passion of the Christ. This challenged here, and she went online to look for answers.
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Wow's Story

I was born into a Buddhist family.  According to Buddha’s teaching, a man who will go to heaven is one who has no sin at all. I knew that was impossible for me because I knew I was a sinner. • Read his story

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Kristi’s Story
 picture of Kristi Kristi was in high school when she visited a friend at James Madison University and saw an ad for a Christian Website. She visited the site and was challenged.
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Patricia’s Story
 picture of Patricia

“Is there a God?”
Patricia typed into her computer. Ask Jeeves, the Internet search engine. Could it really tell her about God?
Read her story

Shelly’s Story

I was a hopeless prostitute, on drugs as far away from God as one could get," wrote Shelly. Read her story of deliverance.
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