
Wow’s Testimony




I was born into a Buddhist family and grew up in a Buddhist environment. I always thought that getting to heaven would be very difficult for me. According to Buddha’s teaching, a man who will go to heaven is one who has no sin at all. I knew that was impossible for me because I knew I was a sinner.

A Buddhist can still eventually hope to reach heaven by earning "merit", which comes from following sets of moral rules. As far as I could tell, Buddhist monks were the ones keeping those rules. Most young adult males in my country are encouraged to join a monastery for a period of time, especially since if you become a monk, your parents may also go to heaven though your merit. So I decided to spend some time at a monastery, where I studied Buddhist scriptures and found that there are more than 2,000 rules for monks to strictly obey in order to get to heaven.

I realised that it wasn’t possible. I’d spent many years of my life living sinfully, and I knew that from all I’d done I would definitely end up in hell. And now I didn’t care because I’d discovered there was nothing I could do about it.


I’d heard of Jesus from my studies at school, but all I knew was that He was the founder of one of the world religions. I never wanted to know anything more about Him. After my sister became a Christian and got married, I noticed she had changed. What had happed to her? I also got married, and came to live with her and her Christian relatives in Australia, where I began to understand more about the Christian life.

One day my sister told me that the death of Jesus had cleansed my sin already. "Is it true?" Why had He died for me? These and a lot of other questions came to my mind. I started reading the Bible to try and find answers to all my questions. I did come to believe that Jesus is The Truth, and I wanted to ask him to come into my life.

However, I thought I wasn’t good enough for Him to be in my life, because I was still a sinner. I tried to clean up my act so that I would be worthy of Jesus, but I found it impossible. Finally I realized that I needed Him in order to be cleansed, because of what He did for me, so I invited Him in to my life.

Not long after I had asked Jesus to come into my life, I realised my life had changed. I felt secure and safe. Things around me would burden me less as I give them over to Him. I learned to forgive because He has forgiven me. And I now know by heart what it mean when people say God is everywhere, because I feel and know that Jesus is with me always.


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