What is PrivatePhone?
PrivatePhone is a completely free voicemail service to JoyNet members.
After signing up as a member you get a unique phone number and space to
store up to 10,000 voicemails which you can access from either a computer
or a phone.
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Is PrivatePhone really free?
Yes, the basic PrivatePhone service is absolutely free to JoyNet
members. There is a cost for membership with JoyNet but no extra charge
for your Private Phone number. You will not need to provide any
credit card or billing information to sign up, and there is no charge to
obtain your PrivatePhone number or retrieve voicemail messages.
In the future, we will be launching some cool new features that might
require payment, such as expanded voicemail capacity, call forwarding, and
call screening. These services will be totally optional.
PrivatePhone is an inbound calling and voicemail service, and does not
provide either Internet access nor telephone service.
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Can I change my PrivatePhone number?
No, once you get your PrivatePhone number you can't change it. However,
if you want a new number, you can always set up a new account.
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Can I answer or forward calls made to my PrivatePhone number?
No, PrivatePhone only allows you to store voicemails. To listen to your
If you would like to answer or forward calls, you may purchase premium
services like NetZero Voice 100 or NetZero Voice Unlimited.
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Can I forward calls to my PrivatePhone to a different number?
The PrivatePhone service sends all calls directly to voicemail. If you
wish to forward your calls you must upgrade your service to NetZero Voice
100 or NetZero Voice Unlimited.
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Can I keep my PrivatePhone if I cancel?
No, if you cancel your PrivatePhone service you'll lose your phone
number. Also, your PrivatePhone number cannot be transferred to another
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How do I sign-up for PrivatePhone?
Go back to the top of this page and sign up to become a member of
JoyNet. A personal email will be sent to you giving you your personal
membership page. From there you can then set up your PrivatePhone account.
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Do I need to be a NetZero member to sign-up for PrivatePhone?
You don't have to be a NetZero member to get your own
PrivatePhone number.
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I can't find a local telephone number?
If you cannot find any local numbers for your area, you may purchase
premium services like NetZero Voice 100 or NetZero Voice Unlimited. These
plans have more telephone numbers and you may find a number that is local
to you.
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I am receiving a "Member not Eligible" message.
The error "Member not eligible" is displayed for any one of the
following reasons.
- You are already a PrivatePhone member and are trying to register for
another phone number. Currently, only one free telephone number is
allotted per member. If you would like more than one number, you can
always sign-up for more than one PrivatePhone account.
- You are already a NetZero Voice Premium member. PrivatePhone service
is available only to new or existing NetZero Voice Free members.
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How do I record my Voicemail greeting?
Recording a greeting for your voicemail is easy. Dial your PrivatePhone
number and when the recorded announcement begins, press the * key and
enter your PIN when asked. Once you do that, press 2 to manage your
greetings. Here you can listen to your current greeting or change it if
you wish. You can change your greeting at any time, as often as you like.
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How do I know if I have any voicemail messages?
Whenever you get a new voicemail, you'll get a notification on your
Message Center. You can also have new messages alerts sent to your mobile
phone by logging in to your Message Center at
http://www.netzerovoice.com/features. Once there, click Voicemail
Alerts to Mobile to set it up, and you'll be alerted on your mobile
phone when you get a new message.
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How many voicemail messages can I store?
Your PrivatePhone account comes with space to store up to 10,000
voicemail messages. Once you reach this limit, you'll need to delete
existing messages to allow new ones to be stored. Also, note that you can
receive up to 500 voicemails in a day.
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Why does my PrivatePhone number ring before going to voicemail?
The voicemail feature of PrivatePhone is set by default to ring four
times before the voicemail answers the call. These rings are audible only
to the caller and not to the receiver, so you will not hear them. You can
change the number of times the phone rings before it's sent to voicemail
by logging into your Message Center. Click on Settings and select
Voice Features, then click Voicemail Settings to change the
number of rings..
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How do I listen to my voicemail?
One of the coolest things about PrivatePhone is how easy it is to
listen to your voicemail. You just log in to the Voicemail Center at
http://www.netzerovoice.com/voicemail to listen, save or delete your
messages. You can also access your voicemail by calling in from any phone.
Just dial your PrivatePhone number, and press the * key when your greeting
begins. Then enter your PIN at the prompt and listen to your messages.
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What's the difference between a Password and a PIN?
You'll need either a Password or a PIN in order to listen to your
messages. You use your Password when you login to the Message Center at
http://www.netzerovoice.com/voicemail to listen to your messages
online, change your settings, etc. However, you use your PIN when checking
your messages by phone.
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What are the voicemail menu options?
The following menu options are available to PrivatePhone members after
logging in from a phone:
Main Menu:
# |
Menu Option |
Description |
1 |
Listen to messages |
This allows you to hear
any voicemails you have received. |
2 |
Change my voicemail
greeting |
This option allows you
to change the greeting others will hear when you are unable to
answer an incoming call to your PrivatePhone number. |
3 |
Change my PIN |
This choice lets you
change the PIN you use to log in to your account from an outside
phone. |
9 |
Schedule a Gotta Go
Call™ |
This option lets you
schedule a future call back on your phone with an automated
message. |
0 |
Help |
Selecting this lets you
get more information on PrivatePhone features. |
Message Options:
# |
Menu Option |
Description |
1 |
Replay |
This will replay the
message you just heard. |
2 |
Call this person back |
This choice will
automatically call the person back who left you a voicemail. |
7 |
Delete |
Deletes the voicemail
message. |
9 |
Save |
Saves the voicemail
message. |
* |
Return to the main menu |
Returns you to the main
menu options. |
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How can I call back the person that left me a voicemail, and will
they see my PrivatePhone number as the Caller ID?
To call back someone who left you a voicemail, simply press 2
when listening to the voicemail through your phone. The recipient will see
your Private Phone number as the caller ID.
Ten calls of up to 10 minutes each are included for FREE each month
with your PrivatePhone account. Free calls are limited to the United
States, Canada and Puerto Rico.
Once you have reached the monthly call limit you will receive a message
informing you that you have used all of your free calls this month. You
will receive more free calls on the first day of the next month.
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What is a Gotta Go Call™?
Gotta Go Call™ is an exciting new feature that lets you schedule a
future call back on your phone with an automated message. This can be used
if you need to leave an uncomfortable social situation. We will call you
back on the phone that you used to schedule the Gotta Go Call™. This way
you don't have to ask your friends to call you, and you know for sure
you'll get the call!
When the Gotta Go Call™ is placed as scheduled, the number
1-800-991-9984 will be displayed as the Caller ID on your phone so you
know it's your Gotta Go Call™. Then just play along with automated message
if you need an excuse to leave!
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How do I schedule a Gotta Go Call™?
PrivatePhone members have the option of setting up a Gotta Go Call™ to
ring after a desired number of minutes. Simply call your Voicemail and
press 9. Select the number of minutes before you'd like the Gotta
Go Call™ to ring, between 5 and 999, then press the pound key (#)
on your phone.
You can change when your Gotta Go Call™ is scheduled at any time before
the call is made. Just follow the same steps to set up the call, choose a
different time, and your previous Gotta Go Call™ will automatically be
You will not be able to schedule a Gotta Go Call™ if:
- Your Caller ID is not available: If your caller ID is blocked
or unavailable and you are trying to schedule a Gotta Go Call™ you will
receive a message informing you to hang up and call back by dialing star
eighty-two (*82) and the number you are calling in order to schedule the
- You are calling from a location outside the U.S., Canada or
Puerto Rico: If you are calling from a location outside the U.S.,
Canada or Puerto Rico, you will not be able to schedule a Gotta Go
- You may have been restricted by PrivatePhone Member Services:
Please contact
customer care
for further information.
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How can I post my voicemails on a Web site? -
You can post your voicemail to a Web site by pasting the embed code for
the voicemail into the html for the site. To do this, open the voicemail
and click on the Embed & Blog button on the Listen to Voicemail
The Embed & Blog button creates a small piece of HTML code you
can add to a web page or a blog allowing visitors to your page to listen
to this voicemail. By adding this code to your page, you make this
voicemail available to the public. Once you make a voicemail public, it
will remain so until you choose to delete it.
Note: If you delete the voicemail that was posted to a Web site,
users will no longer be able to access it.
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How much will it cost me to use these features?
All of the features available with your PrivatePhone service are
absolutely FREE. Once you see how convenient and easy it is to use
PrivatePhone, be sure to tell your friends!
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Do I need to use my PrivatePhone number to keep it active?
As a PrivatePhone member your account will remain active as long as you
check your voicemail and receive incoming calls on a regular basis.
Otherwise, your account will be deactivated. An inactive account:
- Will not accept new voicemail messages
- Will have all stored voicemail messages deleted
- Will be available for a new PrivatePhone member
Note: You will receive a notice on the alternate email address or
mobile number you provided when signing up for PrivatePhone alerting you
of the prolonged account inactivity before your phone number is
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I received an email / SMS saying that my PrivatePhone number will be
deactivated, what do I do?
If you received an email, SMS, or voicemail message notifying you that
there has not been any activity on your PrivatePhone number, simply follow
the instructions in the notice to keep your number active.
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How will I know if my account was deactivated?
If your PrivatePhone account is deactivated, you will receive a notice
on the alternate email address or mobile number you provided when signing
up for PrivatePhone. We will also send you a voicemail, and you will be
notified if you have set up voicemail alerts.
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How do I get back my old PrivatePhone number?
If your PrivatePhone account has been deactivated, you will have 7 days
after we send you notice to get back your old PrivatePhone number. After 7
days, you cannot get back your number. If you would like to see if your
old PrivatePhone number is still available, please fill out a Personal
Assistance Ticket by clicking
here. Our customer support representatives, available 24 hours a day,
7 days a week will be glad to assist you.
Note: You will be assigned your old PrivatePhone number based on its
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I've upgraded to a premium account, do I still have to use my
PrivatePhone number to keep it active?
No. If you have upgraded to a premium account you are no longer
required to use your number to keep it active.
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What happens to my PrivatePhone Number if it is deactivated?
If your PrivatePhone number is deactivated from lack of use, it will be
returned to the pool of available numbers and may be selected or assigned
to a new member. You have 7 days after we send you notice to get back your
old PrivatePhone number. After 7 days, we cannot guarantee you can get
back your number. However, you can check to see if your old PrivatePhone
number is still available. To do so, please fill out a Personal Assistance
Ticket by clicking here.
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I've signed up for PrivatePhone, but can't remember my Member ID or
If you signed up for PrivatePhone via cell phone, your Member ID would
be a combination of the letters pp and your PrivatePhone number.
So, if your PrivatePhone number is (123) 456-7890, your Member ID is
pp1234567890. If you haven't changed it, your password is the PIN you
selected when you signed up. You should have received a confirmation text
message containing your Member ID and password at the phone you used to
sign up.
If you know your Member ID but can't remember your password,
click here to
reset your password. Be sure to leave your zip code field blank when
trying to retrieve your forgotten password.
However, if you signed up for PrivatePhone online you would have
selected your Member ID and should have received a confirmation email
message containing your account information at the email address you used
when starting your account. Please check this message to confirm your
Member ID.
If you can't find your confirmation message and can't remember your
account information, you can always set up a new account.
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I've signed up for PrivatePhone, but can't remember my PrivatePhone
number or PIN.
If you signed up for PrivatePhone via cell phone, your Member ID would
a combination of the letters pp and your PrivatePhone number. So,
if your PrivatePhone number is (123) 456-7890, your Member ID is
pp1234567890. You should have received a confirmation text message
containing your account information at the phone you used to sign up.
To reset your PIN, just login to the PIN management page at
and type your new PIN to reset it.
However, if you signed up for PrivatePhone online you would have
selected your phone number and should have received a confirmation email
message containing your account information, including your PrivatePhone
number, at the email address you used when starting your account. Please
check this message to confirm your PrivatePhone number.
If you can't find your confirmation message and can't remember your
account information, you can always set up a new account.
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Why do I hear a busy signal when calling my PrivatePhone number?
You will hear a busy signal when calling your PrivatePhone number if
you have disabled your voicemail. To turn on your voicemail, go to Your
membership page Log into your PrivatePhone account and select Voicemail
– On/Off. Click the box next to On and then click Save.
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Why am I receiving a ''Voicemail box is full'' message? -
Your PrivatePhone account comes with space to store up to 10,000
voicemail messages that includes both new and existing voicemail messages.
You can receive up to 500 voicemails in a day. Once you reach this limit
you will receive a ''Voicemail box is full'' message.
If you would like to receive more than 500 voicemails in a day, you may
purchase premium services like NetZero Voice 100 or NetZero Voice
To purchase NetZero Voice 100 or NetZero Voice Unlimited,
click here.
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Can I keep the same phone number after upgrading to NetZero Voice
100 or NetZero Voice Unlimited plans?
Yes, your telephone number will continue to remain the same even after
you upgrade your NetZero Voice plan. To purchase another NetZero Voice
Plan like NetZero Voice 100 or NetZero Voice Unlimited, please
click here.
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Can I upgrade to 'NetZero Pay-As-You-Go' plan?
Yes, you can upgrade to the 'NetZero Pay-As-You-Go' plan.
However, the 'NetZero Pay-As-You-Go' plan does not offer the feature to
receive incoming calls from regular telephone numbers. By choosing to
upgrade to this plan, you will lose the telephone number assigned to your
NetZero Voice offers other plans like NetZero Voice 100 &
NetZero Voice Unlimited which will allow you to both make outgoing and
receive incoming calls from regular telephone numbers. Upgrading to these
plans will allow you to continue using the phone number assigned to your
account. To purchase NetZero Voice 100 or NetZero Voice Unlimited
click here.
If you still prefer to upgrade to 'NetZero Pay-As-You-Go' plan,
click here.
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